
We are the smart choice for your child.

teacher with her students smiling

Our Story

The New Jerusalem Baptist Church AAA Daycare Center was established in March 2006. After six years, the company decided to adopt the name of New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church Child Development Center in order to promote the idea of Early Education. Since being established, we have grown from 13 students to over 70 students within a 3-year time frame. The center is currently licensed for 83 students. We have 5 classrooms ranging from infant to afterschool students. Transportation is also provided for our 4-K students. Our future goal is to establish an academy which will include Infants to 3rd Grade.


NJMBC Child Development Center is dedicated to providing children with individual attention, a caring and understanding atmosphere, a clean and safe environment, and opportunities to grow and learn physically and spiritually. We achieve this mission through the use of various educational mediums and devices such as arts, crafts, music, and foreign languages.

Who We Are

New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church CDC is a daycare and learning center that provides programs for students in Barnwell County along with other surrounding areas. We strive to lead your child to higher challenges and achievements. Your child will be able to develop, learn, and express sharing, respecting others, being creative, and expressing his/her feelings under the guidance of loving Christian caregivers.